Table of Contents
Arduino programming language can be divided in three main parts: structure, values (variables and constants), and functions. These are the Arduino inbuilt function, variable and structure are available for use.
Note: If you already know about all this theory, you can switch to (1) sample programming model (2) preference settings and basic about IDE software (3) Installation process or (4) Direct programming with the first program Light up LED using Arduino
For controlling the Arduino board and performing computations
DIGITAL I/O digitalRead() digitalWrite() pinMode() | ANALOG I/O analogRead() analogReference() analogWrite() | TRIGONOMETRY cos() sin() tan() |
ZERO, DUE & MKR FAMILY analogReadResolution() analogWriteResolution() | INTERRUPTS interrupts() noInterrupts() | EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS attachInterrupt() detachInterrupt() |
MATH abs() constrain() map() max() min() pow() sq() sqrt() | CHARACTERS isAlpha() isAlphaNumeric() isAscii() isControl() isDigit() isGraph() isHexadecimalDigit() isLowerCase() isPrintable() isPunct() isSpace() isUpperCase() isWhitespace() | BITS & BYTES bit() bitClear() bitRead() bitSet() bitWrite() highByte() lowByte() |
USB Keyboard Mouse | RANDOM NUMBERS random() randomSeed() | COMMUNICATION Serial stream |
TIME delay() delayMicroseconds() micros() millis() | ADVANCED I/O/ noTone() pulseIn() pulseInLong() shiftIn() shiftOut() tone() |
Arduino data types and constants
CONSTANTS Floating Point Constants Integer Constants HIGH | LOW INPUT | OUTPUT | INPUT_PULLUP LED_BUILTIN true | false | CONVERSION byte() char() float() int() long() word() | DATA TYPES String String() array bool boolean byte char double float int long short unsigned char unsigned int unsigned long void word |
VARIABLE SCOPE & QUALIFIERS const scope static volatile | UTILITIES PROGMEM sizeof() |
The elements of Arduino (C++) code
SKETCH loop() setup() | BOOLEAN OPERATORS ! (logical not) && (logical and) || (logical or) | POINTER ACCESS OPERATORS & (REFERENCE OPERATOR) * (dereference operator) |
ARITHMETIC OPERATORS % (remainder) * (multiplication) + (addition) - (subtraction) / (division) = (assignment operator) | FURTHER SYNTAX #define (define) #include (include) /* */ (block comment) // (single line comment) ; (semicolon) {} (curly braces) | BITWISE OPERATORS & (bitwise and) << (bitshift left) >> (bitshift right) ^ (bitwise xor) | (bitwise or) ~ (bitwise not) |
COMPARISON OPERATORS != (not equal to) < (less than) <= (less than or equal to) == (equal to) > (greater than) >= (greater than or equal to) | CONTROL STRUCTURE break continue do...while else for goto if...else return while | COMPOUND OPERATORS &= (compound bitwise and) *= (compound multiplication) ++ (increment) += (compound addition) -- (decrement) -= (compound subtraction) /= (compound division) ^= (compound bitwise xor) |= (compound bitwise or) |
Read Next: Get Start with Arduino
Source Arduino official website: Functions arduino